• Have you been asked to provide detailed medical information?
• Have your insurance benefits been cut?
Actions You Can Take If you feel that your position in the workplace has changed, there are things you can do to improve or at least come to terms with the situation.
• Try not to read too much into someone else's actions.
• Remember that your return to work will require adjustment on everyone's part.
• If your health is being questioned, get a note from your doctor to confirm that you are able to perform your job
• If you feel you are being treated unfairly, request an informal meeting with your office mates.
• Keep copious notes if you feel discriminated against in any way.
• If all else fails, you might consider filing a complaint with the management of your company or taking legal
• If you are unable to keep your job because of a cancer-related disability or discrimination, vocational training
may be available through your provincial government.
Legal Protection The Canadian Human Rights Act, 1989, and provincial human rights legislation make it illegal to discriminate against any qualified applicant or worker on the basis of illness or disability provided,